Recuerdos: El Chepe (Parte Seis)

I did not expect to love Chihuahua City. I expected it to be an ugly, boring town that was just a stopover before the plane right home. I was wrong. The train station in Creel was small and had very little information in any language. But it was an actual train station, unlike the others which were just wooden platforms. There were no employees there at all until the train got there, almost four hours late. None of the Mexicans seemed to care that the train was that late but everyone else was pretty annoyed. It was a long (6-hour) ride to Chihuahua City and we didn't get in until 1 am but the next day we were out exploring and WOW is there a lot to explore! I'd love to go back (of course) From February 22, 2020 I absolutely love being in places in Mexico that get very few Americans. People are generally so very welcoming and honestly excited that I visited their part of the country, and pepper me with questions about how I like it and if I’ll come back. The answers:...